byRobert Farmilo,
English Tutor,
Native Speaker
Born in Canada
I am often asked by students of English, "How can I really improve myself at English?"
Before I answer that question, let me ask you a question: "Why do you want to learn English?"
After I get the initial answer, I begin to dig deeper. My mission is to discover the person's underlying motivation. And I have a meta-purpose: To discover the FEELINGS inside the desire to become fluent with English.
More about the importance of these FEELINGS later.
KNOW YOUR REASON WHY You Want to Learn English
You really do need to become keenly aware of WHY you want to bother with all this English stuff.That will help to sustain you when you get bored, distracted, tired and fed-up with shoving English into every crevice of your being.
Until you link your inner burning desire with a workable action will not make the progress you are truly capable of making.
So, the obvious question is, "How do you KNOW what your inner burning desire is?"
You want to improve your English because...
- You want to get a better job.
- You want to get a promotion at your current job.
- You want to travel.
- You want to move to another country.
- You want to study in another country.
- You need English to get an education in some subject.
- You need English because you want to communicate with other people who also use English, too.
- You just are fascinated by the English language.
- You want to watch movies without using subtitles.
- You want to write books in English.
- Some other reason.
- All of the above.
Take the Tongue Twister Challenge
Take the Tongue Twister Challenge
How great do you want to get in English? How far do you want to go with your English skills?
Do you want it all? As good or better than a native speaker?
Do you want to be better at English than I am?
Do you want to be good at ALL the skills to become a super fantastic number one quality English language student? Is that your goal?
Okay, great. But now, please ask yourself, what will it feel like when you achieve your goal.
Imagine what it will feel like to be better than me at speaking, reading, listening and writing English.
Can you feel what this will feel like to you?
The sense of satisfaction and accomplishment?
Imagine you are fluent in English. FEEL what that will feel like.
That feeling is all important.
When you can connect your reasons to get good at English with the feeling you will have when you are really good at English...this will help you to PUSH yourself through the times when you HATE learning anymore stupid English stuff.
It will help you when you are tired and exhausted but you have to study this seemingly idiotic language.
When you really know why you are bothering to study when your friends are relaxing and having fun...and you are struggling with some stupid English grammar rules---and all you want to do is stop, and go have some fun---IF you have a magic button to push that connects you with your real reasons for doing all this hard will help you to PUSH through to the next level of being really good with and at English.
If you need help getting your reason connected to the feeling, let me know. I can help you get this working.

Here are the next important steps you need to take to super-charge your skill with the English Language. Click on the links and start taking action, now.
Once you get in the habit of taking these steps each day, you are going to notice a big improvement in your skill with the English language.
I know there is a lot of information for you to absorb, so I am working on creating a PDF eBook for you to use.
You will be able to download this FREE eBook.
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