TO UNDERSTAND AND TO BE UNDERSTOOD, Super Method, super fluency booster, English language


The Method: Transcription Exercises

Learning English? Listening and understanding what others say is much more important than talking quickly. To train your ears, the best tool is transcription exercises.
Transcription exercises involve listening to spoken English and writing down exactly what you hear. This practice helps improve listening comprehension, spelling, grammar, and overall language proficiency. By repeatedly transcribing and reviewing the material, learners can enhance their ability to understand and produce accurate English in real-time conversations.


1. Improve listening comprehension in English.

2. Enhance transcription skills.

3. Expand vocabulary and phrase knowledge.

4. Practice pronunciation and speaking.

Materials Needed:

- Content that you understand at least 90% of

- Notebook or Anki or similar software (for new words and phrases).

- Dictionary (for looking up unknown words)

NOTE ---> Scroll to end ---> Links to ANKI and similar to ANKI but FREE. Plus links to FREE online dictionaries. 


Step 1: Initial Listening

1. Watch the video or listen to the audio file without subtitles.

2. Write down everything you hear, word for word.

3. Listen to each line as many times as necessary. This is an exercise in concentration, not speed.

Step 2: Review and Correct

1. Compare your transcription with the subtitles provided in the video.

2. Correct any mistakes in your transcription.

3. While correcting, listen again to the parts you found challenging until you understand them completely.

Step 3: Check Understanding

1. Refer to the English translation to check if you have understood correctly.

2. Note down new words and phrases in a notebook or Anki (or similar software) for review.

Step 4: Reinforcement

1. Re-watch the video several times over the next few days.

2. Aim to understand everything instantly, without pausing, subtitles, or translating in your head.

Key Points to Remember:

- This is not a speed exercise; focus on concentration.

- Use dictionaries to look up words you don’t understand until you exhaust all possibilities.

- Don’t give up easily; persistence is key.

And here is a link to one of the best methods, with all the links to FREE resources, and exact step-by-step, how-to instructions.

>>>click now--->FREE--->everything you need<<<


By following these steps (and doing the work), you will improve your English listening skills, expand your vocabulary, and gain better comprehension of spoken English.

Additional Tips:

- When possible --- You want to use content where you understand at least 90 words out of every 100 words.

- Find content that matches your current level of listening skill.

Here is a link to STEP TWO: Learning, retaining, remembering English words. This link will take you to realistic training about how to learn English vocabulary. It comes with many FREE resources to help you.

Do you want to understand people when they talk to you in English?

>>>90 Day English Listening Mastery<<<

English language listening exercises in order of increasing skill, starting at the A1 Beginner Level.

And for listening exercises with American-English accents:


LINK TO NOT-ANKI (This one is FREE and super great)

- Dictionary (for looking up unknown words)


super useful dictionary.

>>>click to find out more<<<

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