The 90 DAY CHALLENGE: The English Language Workout, Massive Input


Welcome to the 90 Day English Language Workout Challenge.

I am registering interested students for the FREE intensive training.

The paid version is not yet available.

IF interested, please use the contact form on the right of this page.

SUBJECT LINE of your message please put in:
90 Day Challenge Registration

Make sure the email address you send me is one you check regularly.

I will send you what you need to get started.

To qualify to take the 90 Day Challenge, you have to complete an intake interview. During this interview you will be asked questions that are all about your journey learning the English language.

You will be required to take several FREE fluency tests to create a baseline to compare after you have completed the 90 Day Challenge. 

This way you will know IF you have made any measurable improvement.

All of this is provided FREE of charge.
This program is limited to a set number of participants at any one time.

Apply now.

90 Day English Language Workout Challenge


- Daily Structure —> What to do and how to do it.

Intensive practice with listening, reading, writing, and speaking.

- Listening Practice

Utilize various media appropriate to the student's level.

- Reading Practice 

Incorporate a range of texts for different proficiency levels.

- Writing Practice

Focus on various writing tasks and review for structure.

- Speaking Practice 

Engage in structured speaking activities and monitor for fluency.

- Pronunciation Exercises

Use targeted exercises for clear articulation.

- Spaced Repetition Review 

Employ apps for vocabulary review.

- Testing Effect Exercises

Conduct quizzes to reinforce learning.

- Verification of Comprehension

Summarize, answer questions, and reflect on content.

- Progress Monitoring 

Track tasks and areas for improvement.

- Massive Input Strategy 

Ensure high comprehension before advancing.

- Content Selection: Tailor content to different levels using various platforms.

- Adaptation of Methods

Adjust activities based on proficiency.

- Integrated Practice

Blend skills for confidence and fluency.

- Reflection and Future Planning

Reflect, set goals, and plan next steps.

By focusing on these principles, learners can effectively acquire a new language through massive exposure to comprehensible and compelling input.

The 90 Day Challenge works best when you are accountable to a third party. We offer this service.

1. Definition of Comprehensible Input

Language input that learners can understand even if they don't know all the words and structures.

2. Role in Language Learning 

Comprehensible input helps learners acquire language naturally.

3. Importance of Compelling Input

Compelling input keeps learners engaged and motivated.

4. Input-Based Approach 

Emphasizes massive input through listening and reading.

5. Robert Farmilo's Theory

Advocates for input slightly above the learner's current level to promote natural language acquisition --- and unexpected exposure to simulations of real world interactions with both native and non-native English speakers. Add in some content that bewilders the student. Use that to break apart into little bits. Establish pattern recognition and pattern imitation. Yeah, there's more to the theory.

6. Effectiveness of Massive Input

Proven effective for language learning; reading and listening are key activities.

7. Ease of Access

Can be done anywhere, anytime using modern technology.

8. Minimizing Mistakes

Focus on listening and reading reduces the fear of making mistakes.

9. Interest-Driven Learning 

Encourages learners to engage with content that interests them.

10. Cost-Effectiveness 

Input-based learning is cheaper than traditional classroom learning.

11. Massive Input Strategy 

Ensure 90% comprehension before advancing to more complex material.

12. Content Selection

Tailor content to different fluency levels using various platforms.

13. Adaptation of Methods 

Adjust activities based on proficiency, from simple stories to complex academic discussions.

14. Integrated Practice

Blend different skills in daily routines to build confidence and fluency.

15. Reflection and Future Planning

Reflect on progress, set goals, and plan next steps after the 90-day challenge.

I hope this gives you a nice sense of the intensity of the 90 Day Challenge, and maybe a sobering moment before you begin.

Yes, begin your deliberate immersion into the English language, 24 hours a day for 90 days. Self-imposed. By you.

The obvious exceptions to this 24 hour immersion program are when it is inappropriate to communicate ONLY in English.

There will be many instances over the 90 days that you will use your own native language.

The 24 hour immersion for 90 days begins with you surrounding yourself with English only content in the places that you can.


>>>Label Everything Workout<<<

This includes sticking name tags on different parts of your room, and the objects in your room. You can stick a to label everything in your entire home.


The 24 hour immersion program includes a radical technique of deliberately thinking in English.

This is where the real work waits for you. And here is a link to get you started with this technique.

>>>click here<<<

Yes, there's more. A lot more.
Before you get in to the challenge, you MUST complete some requirements in this order:
  • Three fluency tests, all results, the questions and the answers you gave, and which tests you took.
  • Your online intake interview with Robert Farmilo.
  • Prepare a handwritten note in English. Subject?
Okay, here is the entire outline. A sample of what is inside the challenge.

Subject lines for handwritten English language short essays

Here are tailored subject lines for each CEFR level:

- My Family
Describe your family members and what they do.
- My Favorite Food
Write about your favorite food and why you like it.

- A Day at the Park
Describe a visit to a park and what you did there.

- My Daily Routine
Write about what you do on a typical day.

- A Memorable Holiday
Describe a holiday you enjoyed and why it was special.

- The Best Gift I Ever Received
Write about a special gift and why it means a lot to you.

- The Importance of Learning English
Discuss why learning English is important to you.

- A Challenge I Overcame
Write about a difficult situation you faced and how you overcame it.

- The Impact of Technology on Society
Analyze how technology has changed the way we live and interact.

- The Role of Education in Personal Development
Discuss how education influences personal growth and future opportunities.

- The Ethics of Artificial Intelligence
Explore the ethical considerations of AI development and use.

- Globalization: Pros and Cons
Evaluate the positive and negative aspects of globalization on different aspects of society.

These subject lines are designed to match the complexity and depth appropriate for each proficiency level. helping to effectively assess the student's writing skills.

How many words required?

Please have your handwritten essay to show me during the intake interview.
The use of anything other than your own brain and mind to write the essay. NO use of robots (Ai tools, CHAT GPT, and so on). 

What about dictionaries when you can't remember the word?

  • Make a note at the bottom of your page or on a separate page of the word you can't remember but in your own, native language. 
  • Now find the English word that matches. 
  • Use that word in your essay and in your word list at the bottom of the page of on a separate page.
Okay, get your head around that and then take action. 

IF you complete small parts of the challenge you will begin to notice improvements in your English language fluency.

When you go all-in, full-on English immersion, and you complete each activity, each day, for 90 days, you will notice improvements in your comprehension of English.

And you will have moved the needle when it comes to your personal ability to communicate to native English and non-native English speaking people.

You will have more speaking skills.
You will have more writing skills.

The more you invest of your time and focus in the study program multiplied over 90 days, the more intense and comprehensive the result will be for you.

Comprehensive result equals more of all fluency skills that need to work together to give you the fluency boost you've been looking for.

IF interested, please use the contact form on the right of this page.

SUBJECT LINE of your message please put in:
90 Day Challenge Registration

Make sure the email address you send me is one you check regularly.

I will send you what you need to get started.

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